Traveling is amazing.  Kids are amazing.  Put them together, travel + kids does not feel amazing.  It feels hard.  As a long-time traveler, for work and fun, having kids has shifted my travel mantra from “I can backpack through Central American for a month with a duffle bag” to “I can still travel AND I need at least two checked bags for a weekend away and a plan of where I can nurse en route.” That means leaving more time at the front and back end, planning out airport and attraction amenities and thinking through how to maximize space while bringing what I need. 


After having my first, I quickly found myself traveling for work again, and then for fun, and then a little of both, bringing baby along.  The first few trips were stress-filled as I navigated TSA, airplanes (hello germs!), diaper changes on the go and figuring out how to fit everything needed for a little one in one suitcase. It wasn’t easy and I didn’t find a lot to outline all of the things I needed, so I started keeping track of what I learned and voila! EVEntures! (EVE stands for me and my daughters: Erin, Victoria & Elizabeth).


Knowing where to find resources in airports, what cities are most kid-friendly, the most effective and efficient things to pack and more has made me feel more confident and efficient while on the move.  In this you’ll find details, lists, pictures and tips that I find helpful.  Things that I note include: airports, events, attractions, sporting venues with a special eye on nursing spaces, child-friendly bathroom/changing rooms, kids play areas, kid amenities, special access, products that have been game changes (not endorsed, just ones I like). All of this is based on my own experience, and I hope it helps you embark on the next great adventure with less stress and feeling like the amazing parent that you are!



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    Packing List

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